Bailiff (Supreme & District Court) Service & Execution Fees Queensland

Fees Payable for Service and Enforcement of process by a Bailiff, Enforcement Officer, Marshal or Marshals Officer
Service and Enforcement Fees as at
01 September 2009
Fees are contained in Justice Legislation (variation of costs and fees) Amendment Regulation (No.1) 2005.

Service/Enforcement Fees
Service or attempted service of process or a document Enforcement or attempted enforcement of a Warrant
$81.00 Per person entity or ship
Additional Service /Enforcement Fees
For each additional process or document or Warrant Served/enforced at the same time and at the same place
$ 14.50 Additional per person, Entity or ship
Service and Enforcement on two or more persons /entities
Two or more persons/entities served with the same process or enforcement in the same proceedings, at the same time and at the same address
$14.00 per person or entity
Traveling fees
Traveling fees are payable in addition to Service and Enforcement Fees for:- Service/attempted service/enforcement/attempted enforcement of any process/ Warrant or document , for each km or part of a km necessarily traveled after the first 8 km from the Court House to the place of service or enforcement (1 way)
$ 2.90 per km
Fees for time spent on Service /Enforcement (after the first Hour)
Time spent on service /attempted service/ enforcement /attempted enforcement Of any Process, Warrant or document
$ 25.00 per hour after the first hour expended
Fees for taking persons into custody
Taking a person to a prison/ watch house / place of detention from the place of arrest.
$2.80 per Km

Security Fee / Deposit
A security fee / deposit may be required sufficient for costs of Service or Enforcement Fees or other necessary costs and outlays The Court registry will advise of the required security / deposit on lodgment of the process or enforcement warrant.



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