Filing claim or other document
1 Filing a claim—
(a) if amount claimed is $2500 or less . . . .$ 140.00
(b) if amount claimed is more than $2500 but less than $10000 . . . $ 195.00
(c) if amount claimed is $10000 or more but less than $50000 . . . . $ 210.00
(d) if amount claimed is $50000 or more but less than $100000 and—
(i) the plaintiff is an individual or all plaintiffs are
individuals . . . $ 270.00
(ii) otherwise . . . . $ 425.00
(e) if amount claimed is $100000 or more and—
(i) the plaintiff is an individual or all plaintiffs are individuals . . . $ 320.00
(ii) otherwise . . .$ 535.00
2 Registering a judgment or order issued out of a court other than a State court or tribunal (including enforcement action taken on the judgment)—
(a) if amount claimed is $2500 or less . . . $ 88.00
(b) if amount claimed is more than $2500 but less than $10000 . . . $ 88.00
(c) if amount claimed is $10000 or more . . . .$ 95.00
3 Filing an employment claim mentioned in the Magistrates Courts Act 1921, section 42B . . . .$ 47.50
4 Filing a document (other than a claim) to start a proceeding . . . .$ 88.00
Copies and inspection
5 Certifying a copy of an order or a copy of another document (other than a record under the Recording of Evidence Act 1962) . . . .$ 23.00
6 Inspecting records in a proceeding—
(a) within 4 years of filing of claim (not payable by parties) . . . .$ 12.50
(b) more than 4 years from filing of claim (including parties) . . . . $ 21.50
7 Copying records in a proceeding not subject to the Recording of Evidence Act 1962—
(a) first copy—each page . . . .$ 2.20
(b) maximum fee for first copy . . .$ 59.00
(c) additional copy—each page. . . .$ 0.50
(d) maximum fee for additional copy . . . $ 23.50
8 Poundage if an enforcement officer enforces an enforcement warrant or other process under, or because of, which money is received by the bailiff or enforcement creditor—5% on first $200 and 2.5% on the balance (the first $200 is to be paid to the bailiff), but not less than . . .$ 56.00
Opening registry
9 Opening, or keeping open, the registry between 8a.m. and 9a.m. or between 4p.m. and 6p.m. on a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or court holiday . . .$ 145.00
Assessment of costs
10 Making an appointment for directions or for assessment of a costs statement by an assessing registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 41.50
11 Assessment by an assessing registrar of a costs statement under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, rule 708, wholly or partly—for each hour or part of an hour . . .$ 92.00
12 Assessment by an assessing registrar of a costs statement other than under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999, rule 708—for each $100 or part of $100 allowed . . . . $ 11.50
13 For an order for the amount assessed . . .$ 57.00
Part 2 Bailiff’s fees
Service, enforcement or apprehension
1 Service or attempted service of a claim, application, subpoena, process or other document within 12km of the registry—on each person served . . . $ 41.00
2 Enforcement or attempted enforcement of a warrant, within 12km of the registry—for each bailiff . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60.00
3 (1) Travelling fees on service, or attempted service, of claim, application, subpoena, process or other document or enforcement, or attempted enforcement of warrant—for each kilometre or part of a kilometre necessarily travelled from the registry to the place of service or enforcement, 1 way in excess of 12km from the registry . . . $ 3.10
(2) Only 1 travelling fee may be charged if—
(a) 2 or more claims, applications, subpoenas, processes, other documents or warrants lodged at the same time against the same person are served or enforced at the same time; or
(b) 2 or more persons are served with the same claim, application, subpoena, process or other document at the same time and at the same address.
4 (1) For time necessarily spent after the first hour on enforcement or attempted enforcement, or apprehension or attempted apprehension—for each hour or part of an hour . . . . $ 19.50
(2) A payment under subitem (1) is at the discretion of the registrar.
(3) If the bailiff is a full-time officer of the public service and performs the enforcement or apprehension during normal working hours, the allowance is to be paid to the court.
5 Taking a person to prison or a place of detention from the place of arrest—for each kilometre . . . . . $ 3.10
Additional fee for payment into court
6 If the bailiff collects and pays into court at least 50% but less than 85% of a money order debt due under a warrant—an additional fee . . . $ 19.50
7 If the bailiff collects and pays into court at least 85% of a money order debt due under a warrant—an additional fee . $ 39.00
Custody and possession of property
8 (1) Each bailiff left in possession—for each day, not more than . . .$ 86.00
(2) If board and lodging are not supplied, actual and reasonable expenses incurred are at the discretion of the registrar.
(3) The registrar may allow other actual and necessary payments made for the safe custody of property under seizure.
(4) No fee is payable for the custody and possession of property under seizure if the property is not kept in the actual possession of the bailiff.
9 The following amounts are at the discretion of the registrar, if actually and reasonably incurred—
(a) travelling expenses for each person;
(b) clerical assistance at sales, if necessary; (c) advertising;
(d) the cost of feeding livestock, or removing it to a place of safekeeping;
(e) necessary assistance to, or expenses incurred by, the bailiff in enforcing a warrant, for example, hiring transport, warehouses and yards and out-of-pocket expenses, for example, postage and telephone calls.
10 (1) Drawing an advertisement of sale, if the sale is under warrant for seizure and sale . . . $ 77.00
(2) If the advertisement is not drawn by the bailiff, the fee is to be paid to the court. |