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Removal of property from its owner by judicial authority as a means of enforcing a judgement or for administration in bankruptcy.
Servient tenement
Land subject to an easement.
Statutory declaration
Written statement which the declarant claims to be true and signs before an authorised person.
Tenancy in common
Concurrent ownership where all owners have distinct but undivided shares in the same property. There is no right of survivorship.
Maker of a will.
Arrangement for holding and managing property by one party for the benefit of another party, or for specific purposes. The ownership of the property is split into legal and equitable. The trustee has legal title to the trust property that the trustee is bound to safeguard or exploit for the benefit of the beneficiaries, who have the equitable or beneficial ownership of the property.
Ultra vires
Latin - beyond the powers. An act which is beyond the powers or authority of the person or organization which took it.
Undue influence
Persuasion, pressure or influence, short of actual force, that so overpowers the dominated party's free will or judgement that he/she cannot act voluntarily, but acts subject to the will or purposes of the dominating party.
Unjust enrichment
Retention of a benefit without justification.
Vacant possession
Right to possession of land in respect of which there is no current occupant, and thus no obstacle to immediate occupation.
Not legally binding; without legal effect.
Capable of being pronounced void by a party to the transaction in question, or by the court.
Intentional renunciation of some legal right or immunity.
A written and signed statement, made by an individual, which provides for the disposition of their property when they die.
Written order issued in connection with a judicial proceeding.
A fear or hatred of persons of a different race, or different ethnic or national origin.
Year of income
A concept used in taxation, superannuation, and social security legislation to denote the financial year during which income is received.
Zone rebate
A tax rebate available to residents of specified remote areas of Australia. These areas consist of two zones: Zone A and Zone B. Zone A represents areas where the factors of isolation, unhospitable climate and the high cost of living are more pronounced. Zone B comprises less severely affected areas. A special category of zone rebate is available to residents of particularly isolated areas (called the ‘special area’) within either Zone A or Zone B: (CTH) Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 s 79A.